Haskell – can’t find Parsec modules in GHCi


I've been working on Question 67A of 99 Haskell Questions. The question is constructing a tree from a given string: "x(y,a(,b))" => Branch 'x' (Branch 'y' Empty Empty) (Branch 'a' Empty (Branch 'b' Empty Empty))
One solution using Parsec is as below:

import Text.Parsec.String
import Text.Parsec hiding (Empty)

pTree :: Parser (Tree Char)
pTree = do
   pBranch <|> pEmpty

pBranch = do
  a <- letter
  char '('
  t0 <- pTree 
  char ','
  t1 <- pTree
  char ')'
  return $ Branch a t0 t1

pEmpty =
  return Empty

stringToTree str =
  case parse pTree "" str of
     Right t -> t
     Left e  -> error (show e)

However, my GHCi could neither find Text.Parsec.String nor Text.Parsec. Are those modules obsolete? My GHCi version is 6.12.3

Best Answer

Text.Parsec and Text.Parsec.String are modules in the parsec package from version 3 on. The old parsec-2 interface is available from the compatibility modules with the traditional names Text.ParserCombinators.Parsec.*, but there's no *.String module, that's new in parsec-3. If you have parsec-2 or no parsec at all installed, I recommend installing parsec-3 with the canonical cabal install parsec.


If you want to parse a less rigid syntax for the trees, supporting your example input,

pBranch = do
  a <- letter
  do char '('
     t0 <- pTree
     char ','
     t1 <- pTree
     char ')'
     return $ Branch a t0 t1
   <|> return (Branch a Empty Empty)

defaults to two empty children if the letter is not followed by an opening parenthesis.

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