Haskell – couldn’t match expected type


I would like to do something different but it would be too long so below is only example:

test x y = if x == "5" then x
           else do putStrLn "bad value"; y

so if x == 5 it should return x, else it should print 'bad value' and return y – how can I do that in haskell ?


Why this code returns error: "couldn't match expected type bool with actual type IO bool" ?

canTest :: String -> IO Bool
canTest x = if x == "5" then return True
           else do putStrLn "bad value"; return False

test x y = if canTest x then x
           else y

Best Answer

You need to make both sides have the same type, namely IO String. For this you need to use return to lift the values into the monad, i.e.

test :: String -> String -> IO String
test x y = if x == "5"
             then return x
             else do putStrLn "bad value"
                     return y

Now return x has the type IO String, and so does the do block in the else branch.

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