Header management with static libraries in Xcode 4


Is there a best practice for importing static library headers in Xcode 4? Most of my projects depend on several other projects, so that I recently started to use the workspace feature to build all needed modules from one place (which I find very convenient).

What sucks is that we can’t use custom frameworks on iOS, so that the dependencies have to be built as static libraries and I get problems with header search paths. Whereas frameworks keep their headers with them inside the framework bundle, static libraries don’t have the option. I hate to set up user header search paths individually for each library I import. Ideally I’d like to drag the dependency project to the workspace, add the library to the main target and build, without further settings. Is this workflow supported?

Best Answer

The best solution I currently have is to keep all the supporting libraries in a common folder (say Support), setting the header search path to Support/**. Feels clumsy, but works.