How to access RabbitMq publicly


I have installed & setup the Rabbitmq on Centos remote server. Later I created an file "rabbitmq.config" and added the line

[{rabbit, [{loopback_users, []}]}]

and then restarted the rabbitmq server. Again tried to login the rabbitmq management web interface from my local machine using the guest credentials, but getting

login failed

error message.What is the proper way to empty the loopback user settings for Rabbitmq in Centos.

Best Answer

First of all connect to your rabbitmq server machine using ssh client so as to be able to run rabbitmqctl (like puTTY) & get into the sbin directory of rabbit installation

  1. you need to create a user for any vhost on that system (here I use default vhost "/")

$ rabbitmqctl add_user yourName yourPass

  1. Set the permissions for that user for default vhost

$ rabbitmqctl set_permissions -p / yourName ".*" ".*" ".*"

  1. Set the administrator tag for this user (to enable him access the management pluggin)

$ rabbitmqctl set_user_tags yourName administrator

... and you are ready to login to your rabbitmq management gui using yourName and yourPass from any browser by pointing it to http://"*********":15672 where ***** is your server IP hope it helps...


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