How to access the WSDL URL of a OSB proxy service in web browser


Does anybody know how to access the WSDL URL of a Oracle Service Bus?

For example, in tomcat, axis2 if a service is deployed I can access the WSDL of it like:


How to achieve the same in OSB?

P.S.: I have installed OSB in Weblogic.

Best Answer

You access it the same way. To verify the path to your wsdl, login to the OSB console:


Click Resource Browser on the left and you should see all of the available proxies you have deployed and their paths. If you click on one of the proxies, you will see your Endpoint URI:

Endpoint URI    /service/test/YourService

If you add ?WSDL onto the end of that, you should be able to access your WSDL like:


Assuming your managed server is running on your localhost with that port.

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