How to add to an array from within a function in VBScript


I'm having trouble writing a function that will output an array of records. What I am attempting to do is call a function that gets all the records in a table and will create a multi-dimensional array that I can use in the page that calls the function.

Can you tell me what I'm doing wrong?

 function get_admins 
    set rs = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.recordset")
    rs.cursorType = 3
    getsql = "select * from users order by name asc"
    rs.Open getsql, conn
    total = rs.RecordCount
    ra = array
    c = 0
    if total < 1 then 
        o = "There are no admins yet."
        do until rs.EOF
        id = rs.Fields("id").value
        username = rs.Fields("username").value
        adminname = rs.Fields("name").value
        email = rs.Fields("email").value

        Redim Preserve ra(c,4) '<-- This is the line the error doesn't like
    ra(c,0) = id
    ra(c,1) = username
    ra(c,2) = adminname
    ra(c,3) = email
    c = c + 1


       end if
      get_admins = ra
    end function

This is the error I get:

Microsoft VBScript runtime error '800a0009'

Subscript out of range

Function call on the page looks like this:

        dim seeme 
    set seeme = get_admins

Here are some similar questions I found:

Classic ASP 3.0 Create Array from a Recordset – Helped a lot, but not quite there.

Redim Preserve gives 'subscript out of range' – This one just straight confused me.

Best Answer

ReDim Preserve can only change the size of the last dimension in multidimensional arrays, so it's not really useful in your situation. What you can use is an array of arrays, though:

ReDim ra(-1)  'initialize record array as empty array
  Do Until rs.EOF
    ReDim va(3)  'initialize value array (clear values)
    va(0) = rs.Fields("id").value
    va(1) = rs.Fields("username").value
    va(2) = rs.Fields("name").value
    va(3) = rs.Fields("email").value

    Redim Preserve ra(UBound(ra)+1) 'grow record array
    ra(UBound(ra)) = va             'put value array into record array

End If

That will allow you to access the elements of the nested arrays like this:

WScript.Echo ra(3)(1)

The above will print the 2nd value (index 1) from the 4th nested array (index 3).

As for returning the array, you cannot use the Set keyword in the assignment:

set seeme = get_admins   '<-- will fail!

That's because that keyword is reserved for object assignments and arrays aren't objects. Change that line to this:

seeme = get_admins