How to call methods within a class which is in a controller extension class


I am trying to write a test class for a controller extension. This controller extension has another class in it . And this class has a few methods.

public class Extension_Account
    public Extension_Account(ApexPages.StandardController controller)
      public class Class1
       public Class1()
        / * code here*/
        public String getMethod()
         /* code here */

How can i access the method getMethod in my test class?

In my test class i am able to access the contructor for Class1 but not sure how to get to the other method

public with sharing class TestExtension_Account

    static testMethod void TestPrint() 
        Account a = new Account();
        //a.Name='Test Account';
        a.FirstName='TestFirst Name';
        a.LastName='Test Last Name';
        a.BillingStreet='Test billing Street';
        a.BillingCity='Test Billing City';
        a.BillingState='Test Billing State';
        a.BillingCountry='Test Billing country';
        a.BillingPostalCode='Test PostCode';
        insert a;

        PageReference pageRef = Page.printaddressaccount;
        pageRef .getParameters().put('id',;
        ApexPages.StandardController controller = new ApexPages.StandardController(a); 
        Extension_Account ae = new Extension_Account(controller);
        ae.getMethod()// gives a compiler error Method does not exist or incorrect signature

Best Answer

If your extension class has a getClass1() method that returns an instance of Class1, then you can access the methods from that instance, e.g. ae.getClass1().getMethod();

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