How to change/append the text of edit control box in that dialog when i pressed the push button in dialog window

mfcvisual c++

I am doing calculator program by using dialog based vc++/MFC application. In a dialog box, I added a edit text control and a push button. So I need to change/append the text of the edit control box in that dialog when I click the button on the dialog. To display the text am using Setsel() and ReplaceSel() methods in ButtonClicked method, but it's not working.

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Best Answer

If all you want to do is display some text in a CEdit control then why not use it's SetWindowText function?

The following replaces the contents using your SetSel/ReplaceSel method:

void CTextCtrlAddDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
    int start = 0;
    int end = m_editControl.GetWindowTextLength();
    m_editControl.SetSel(start, end);

...where m_editControl is the edit control. If you want to append the text at the end, simply set the selection to the end:

void CTextCtrlAddDlg::OnBnClickedButton1()
    int end = m_editControl.GetWindowTextLength();
    m_editControl.SetSel(end, end);

I agree with Goz though; some example code frmo you would help us identify what isn't working for you.

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