How to change to colour of a rdlc text field


I'm using a rdlc report.

I have a text field 'surname' and a boolean field 'sales'.

Depending on the value of the boolean field I want the text to be red or black.

Looking at examples I should be changing the text color.

But the label on the dialog box when I select 'expression' says 'Set expression for:Value' but I think I should be a able to select to set the expression for color.

I have the following expresion but it just displays the text "Black" and "Red" in the text box.


Best Answer

Seems like you are putting expression for value of Textbox. Instead put for Font Color

=IIf(fields!sales.Value = "true","Black","Blue")

To set expression for fontcolor Textbox properties --> color --> Expression.

Let me know if it works for you