How to compare a branch against trunk in subversion


In Subversion, I created a branch from a trunk using svn copy. According to the the SVN 1.5 manual, "This is the easiest way to “tag” a revision in your repository—just svn copy that revision (usually HEAD) into your tags directory."

svn copy file:////svn/projectX/trunk file:///svn/projectX/branches/stefanl

Then, I make my modifications to the stefanl branch. I want to commit my changes to the trunk, but before I do that I would like to see a diff of the changes.

How can I diff the 'stefanl' branch against the 'trunk' branch? I tried svn diff, but it didn't provide much information:

% svn diff file:////svn/projectX/trunk file:///svn/projectX/branches/stefanl
Property changes on: .
Modified: svn:mergeinfo
   Reverse-merged /trunk:r1699-1870

Best Answer

Adding to the previous answers (if using Tortoise SVN on Windows):

  • Right-click any folder. From the context menu, select TortoiseSVN -> Repo-browser.
  • Enter your repo address in the URL box.
  • Navigate to the first folder which you want to compare. Right-click and select Mark for comparison.
  • Navigate to the second folder. Right-click and select Compare URLs