How to Compile CUDA App is Visual Studio 2010

cudavisual studio 2010

How to Compile CUDA App is Visual Studio 2010 ?

Here are my steps:
1. Create Empty C++ project without precompiled headers
2. Add main.cpp

int main()
 return 0;
  1. Add

    I referred to sample project MAtrixMul and copied its settings step by step. it can be complied now

#include "cuda.h"

__global__ void VecAdd(float* A, float* B, float* C)
 int i = threadId.x;
 C[i] = A[i] + B[i];
  1. Right-Click on project -> Build customizations -> Check cuda 3.2
  2. -> properties ->Compile with CUDA C/C++
  3. TRY Compiling: I get error:

Error 37 error : This version of the
CUDA Toolkit does not support the v100
Please verify that the
Platform Toolset property is set to
v90 under the General node of the
project properties. C:\Program Files
3.1.targets 157 4 dfdfs

  1. Change Platform ToolSet to v90
  2. TRY Compiling: I get errors:

Error 38 error MSB3721: The command
""C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU
–use-local-env –cl-version 2008 -ccbin "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio
9.0\VC\bin" -I"C:\Program Files\NVIDIA GPU Computing
Toolkit\CUDA\v3.1\include" -G0
–keep-dir "Debug\" -maxrregcount=32 –machine 32 –compile -D_NEXUS_DEBUG -g -Xcompiler "/EHsc /nologo /Od /Zi /MDd " -o "Debug\kernels.obj"
exited with code 2. C:\Program Files
3.1.targets 272 4 dfdfs

Error 37 error : identifier "threadId"
undefined E:\Projects!Probing\dfdfs\ 5 1 dfdfs

Please healp me out.

Thanks, Ilya

Best Answer

Yes i did, and it IS working.

  1. Create C++ project

  2. Project(right click)->build customisation Check "Cuda 3.2 compiler"*

  3. Add cudart.lib to properties->linker->input->additional dependencies

  4. Add -> properties Item type = CUDA C/C++*

  5. Project -> properties ->configuration Properties -> general -> v90 toolset**

*) will appear after you install Nvidia Parallel Nsight. Be careful, you need special drivers for that, more on NSight homepage)

**) you need to instal visual c++ 2008 express.

Anyway, example project still should be available at my nvidia forum post. The problem i'm complaining there about is just out-of-date drivers.

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