How to configure TortoiseSVN to work with an online BitBucket repo


I am having a bit of an annoying issue here.

We have a private BitBucket central repo and each of us have cloned it on our desktop but we are using SourceTree which is not my favourite.

So my question is how can I configure TortoiseSvn t work with it?

I tried the following:

  1. Created a folder on my desktop
  2. Right clicked on it -> SVN Checkout
  3. Pasted the https link to my BitBucket repo and pressed OK
  4. And get the following error

Checkout from, revision
HEAD, Fully recursive, Externals included Unable to connect to a
repository at URL ''
Repository moved temporarily to
please relocate Completed!

The reason I think this is happening is because it is not authenticated and I need to somehow force Tortoise to log in but I am not sure how.

Can anyone point me in the right direction please?

Best Answer hosts Git and Mercurial repositories, so you need a proper client, like TortoiseGit for Git, or TortoiseHg for Mercurial.