How to create a Django queryset filter comparing two date fields in the same model


Trying to get a query where the Activity record is stale in my Solr Index.
I want to check to see if the Activity.updated date in the database is greater than the Activity.added_toSolr_date for the same record.

stale_activities_queryset = Activity.objects.filter(updated__gte = self.added_toSolr_date) 


class Activity(models.Model):
    # Last time entry / metric was updated in the Activity model database
    updated =  models.DateTimeField( verbose_name="CRUD date")
    # When it was added to Solr Index Date
    added_toSolr_date = models.DateTimeField(blank=True, null=True, verbose_name="Added to Solr Index Date")

I referenced Django Query docs:
And unit tests for samples:

Also searched here on Stackoverflow. All the examples use an entered date instead of comparing two date fields in the same model.

Best Answer

F objects.

from django.db.models import F
stale_activities = Activity.objects.filter(updated__gte=F('added_toSolr_date'))