How to debug with IIS (not Express) in Visual Studio 2013


This might be a stupid question, but I have a problem with Visual Studio 2013 and IIS (not Express), that the Visual Studio debugger by default uses IIS Express (iisexpress.exe) to debug code. But I do not want that, but I want to use IIS installed on my computer (w3wp.exe).

I succeeded in debugging with IIS by using Attach to Process… and then selecting All Users and then picking w3wp.exe as a process. But I need to do this every time I start debugging. Is there a way to use IIS by default? In Visual Studio 2012, everything worked well, but in VS 2013 I cannot find an option to use IIS (w3wp.exe) by default.

I am debugging a Web Site ASP.NET 4.0.

Thanks for any help!

Best Answer

If your website project was opened via IIS, it should debug the IIS process automatically. If your site exists in IIS currently, you should be able to find it via File -> Open -> Web Site.

If you opened an IIS Express based website project (or via the file system, which uses IIS Express by default), then run the site through IIS, VS doesn't know that the site is running in IIS.