How to detect desktop browser vs mobile device using wurfl


I am planning to use Wurfl in a web application in order to distinguish between mobile device and desktop browser. The isMobileBrowser(String userAgent) from net.sourceforge.wurfl.core.utils seems the appropriate function to do that.

Nevertheless looking at the source code of the 1.0.1-rc3 I can see that if the user agent string does not contain the "Tablet" word, it always returns false. I was reading this article and I would like to use the fuzzy match that is described there to identify the devices. Could be possible that am I using the wrong function?, if that is the case could you please point me to the right direction?.

Also , do you know where can I find the source code for the 1.0.1-rc4?.

Best Answer

You have to use those capabilities:

if(is_wireless_device=false and device_claims_web_support=true) {
the request is from web browser
