How to determine method names and parameters in wsdl web service


I have few problems with Web Services and KSoap library. I searched this topic before asking but couldn't find anything.

Here is the question : I have an url like but i haven't got any documentation about it. Can I determine METHOD NAME and NAMESPACE parameters just examining wsdl file.
Example :

If it is possible, where can i found method parameters for sending request.

I'm working on Android Project so I'm using KSoap2, that what i need METHOD NAME and NAMESPACE.

Little question : Is myservice.wsdl url same myservice.asmx?WSDL

Thanks for your support..

Edit #1 : I spend a lot of time and i got the right parameters like that :

  • METHOD_NAME : Web service may have multiple methods. If you didn't find documents about your web service, you can search method names in wsdl. If your web service extension is .asmx then your wsdl like ../services/service.asmx?wsdl. Open wsdl file and search "operation name", this parameters are your Methods. Choose what if you want to use.

  • NAMESPACE : Open your wsdl and search "targetNamespace". This parameter is your NAMESPACE parameter.

  • SOAP_ACTION : This parameter is composed of Method Name and Namespace. Use it like that String SOAP_ACTION = NAMESPACE + METHOD_NAME;

    • URL : Find "service" element in wsdl. This element contains "wsdlsoap:address location =" This address is your web service's URL.

Best Answer

this should help out (php):

$client = new SoapClient("http://my_exposed_url?wsdl");