How to disable VirtualBox time sync from within the guest at runtime


I have a VirtualBox VM running Centos 6.5 with Guest Additions installed and I need to be able to disable and enable time sync from within the guest at will. By default, the guest syncs its time with the host every 10 seconds[1], this is functionality built into the Guest Additions.

There are ways to disable the time sync but they are inadequate for my needs:

  1. Disable the time sync at VM startup:

    VBoxManage setextradata "VM name" "VBoxInternal/Devices/VMMDev/0/Config/GetHostTimeDisabled" 1

  2. Disable the guest additions from within the VM at runtime:

    sudo service vboxadd-service stop

The reasons they don't work for me are:

  1. The first option only works at startup – I need to be able to do this at runtime
  2. The second option stops other functions that I need from the guest additions

When I run sudo VBoxControl guestproperty enumerate I don't see anything to do with time syncing.

So… a way to disable and enable time sync from within a VirtualBox VM without disabling the vboxadd-service service please 🙂

[1] – Section 9.13.4

Best Answer

You should be able to edit the vboxadd-service script on the client and add the --disable-timesync option. Then sudo service vboxadd-service restart and time sync should be disabled.

See also

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