How to display the total percentage and count together as a stacked bar chart without formatting all data to percentage values


I asked this question (and this question) recently, and even though both have solutions, I am left with a new dilemma because each solution only works on an independent level (i.e. one solution won't work if the other solution is in place).

The problem is this: In Tableau, I discovered that by opting to display the data as a percentage of the total row value Analysis > Percentage of > Row, it resulted in the count value also being displayed as a number between 0 and 1 (i.e. percentage format, because of the aforementioned percentage-only setting).

Is there a way to achieve a 100.00% stacked bar which shows both percentage AND count, and which also isn't formatted to display all data as a percentage of the row total?

The screenshot shows what happens when both solutions are in place. Original screenshots are available within the body of each of the previous questions.

Note: I feel that the right way to go about it might be to normalise my data (bringing all values to a scale between 0 and 1), but being new to Tableau, I am not sure how this is achieved. If this is correct, I would appreciate a walkthrough.

enter image description here

Best Answer

Right click on the second SUM({Number of Records]) pill on the Label shelf, and clear the table calc. Edit your label if needed

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