How to enumerate the COM Object Members like interfaces, properties and methods


Which WinAPI method or interface I can use to enumerate the interfaces, properties, methods(and parameters) of a COM Object programmatically?

Best Answer

You need to be more specific. There are two ways to interpret your question.

One is that you have a COM component (e.g. some library), and you want to programmatically enumerate interfaces/properties/methods of that. Usually (but not always), COM components come with a type library that contains full metainformation about all this - it's either embedded into the COM .exe or .dll, or is a separate .tlb file. In any case, if the COM component is properly registered in the system (e.g. using regsvr32), then COM provides a standard API to retrieve that type information, centered around ITypeLib and ITypeInfo interfaces.

Another interpretation is that you get a reference to a particular COM object, and you need to enumerate all methods/properties on that and/or invoke them by computed name, like Java or C# reflection, or Delphi RTTI. If so, then it is only possible if the COM object implements IDispatch interface, which allows you to do all of the above.

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