How to export Crystal Report in PDF, HTML and DOC formats using C# code in ASP.NET


I have designed a Report in my ASP.NET web site now i need to provide options to export that report in PDF, HTML, and DOC formats, how do i achieve that?

crystal report has one button to do that but when ever i try to save that report its saved as .aspx format as i am viewing it in web page.

Best Answer

try this:

  <asp:ImageButton Width="20px" Height="20px" ID="btnPdf" runat="server"
    OnClick="btnExport_Click" ImageUrl="~/Images/PDF.png" AlternateText="Export To PDF" CssClass="AddedButton" />
   <asp:ImageButton Width="20px" Height="20px" ID="btnXls" runat="server" 
    OnClick="btnExport_Click" ImageUrl="~/Images/XLS.png" AlternateText="Export To Excel" />   
   <asp:ImageButton Width="20px" Height="20px" ID="btnDoc" runat="server" 
    OnClick="btnExport_Click" ImageUrl="~/Images/DOC.png" AlternateText="Export To Word" />   

C# code:

protected void btnExport_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
    // Stop buffering the response
    Response.Buffer = false;
    // Clear the response content and headers
        string senderID = ((ImageButton)sender).ID;
        if (senderID == "btnPdf")
            reportDocument.ExportToHttpResponse(ExportFormatType.PortableDocFormat, Response, true, Page.Title);
        else if (senderID == "btnXls")
            reportDocument.ExportToHttpResponse(ExportFormatType.ExcelRecord, Response, true, Page.Title);
        else if (senderID == "btnDoc")
            reportDocument.ExportToHttpResponse(ExportFormatType.WordForWindows, Response, true, Page.Title);
        // There are other format options available such as Word, Excel, CVS, and HTML in the ExportFormatType Enum given by crystal reports
    catch (Exception ex)
       //error management

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