How to find duplicates in recordset using vb6


Hi i have a recordset name rcdDNE. I read the rtn, accno, first name, Middle name, last name, amount, from text file and store it to the recordset. Now I want to store that values to database table. In my table accno is primary key. So before storing that into my table i want to find out if there is any duplicate accno in my recordset. If i have i want to write it to text file.

Can anyone help me.

' Set up rcdDNE structure
With rcdDNE.Fields
    .Append "RTN", adVarChar, 9
    .Append "AccountNbr", adVarChar, 17
    .Append "IndividualName", adVarChar, 22
    .Append "FirstName", adVarChar, 50
    .Append "MiddleName", adVarChar, 1
    .Append "LastName", adVarChar, 50
    .Append "Amount", adCurrency
End With

intFileNbr = FreeFile(1)
Open strFileName For Input As #intFileNbr Len = 95 ' Open file for input.
Do While Not EOF(intFileNbr)
   Line Input #intFileNbr, strCurrentLine
   If Mid(strCurrentLine, 1, 1) = 6 Then
     strRoutingNbr = Mid(strCurrentLine, 4, 8)
     strAcct = Trim(Mid(strCurrentLine, 13, 17))
     strIndividualName = Trim(Mid(strCurrentLine, 55, 22))
     strAmount = Trim(Mid(strCurrentLine, 30, 10))
     strAmount = Left(strAmount, Len(strAmount) - 1)
     curAmount = CCur(strAmount)

   ' Add new record to temporary recordset
        With rcdDNE
            .Fields![RTN] = strRoutingNbr
            .Fields![AccountNbr] = strAcct
            .Fields![IndividualName] = strIndividualName
            .Fields![Amount] = curAmount
        End With
   End If

' Write records to Database

frmDNELoad.lblStatus.Caption = "Loading data into database......"
Dim lngRecCount As Long
lngRecCount = 0

 With cmdCommand
    .ActiveConnection = objConn
    .CommandText = "insert into t_DATA_DneFrc (RTN, AccountNbr, FirstName, MiddleName, LastName, Amount) values ('" & rcdDNE("RTN") & "', '" & rcdDNE("AccountNbr") & "', '" & rcdDNE("FirstName") & "', '" & rcdDNE("MiddleName") & "', '" & rcdDNE("LastName") & "', '" & rcdDNE("Amount") & "')"
    .CommandType = adCmdText
End With

Set rcddnefrc = New ADODB.Recordset
With rcddnefrc
    .ActiveConnection = objConn
    .CursorType = adOpenDynamic
    .CursorLocation = adUseClient
    .LockType = adLockOptimistic
End With

Do Until rcdDNE.EOF
    lngRecCount = lngRecCount + 1
    frmDNELoad.lblStatus.Caption = "Adding record " & lngRecCount & " of " & rcdDNE.RecordCount & " to database."
    Call CommitNew

Best Answer

In the loop, where reading the data from the text file, Build a list of accno.

Each time you read a line from the text, first check if the list contains the accno, if not, add the record, and add the accno to the list.

If it does contain the accno in the list already, dont add the line to the record set and move to the next line.

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