How to force TFS to let me download a folder (other than methods listed)

tfsvisual studio 2010

I have a seemingly common problem, but cannot find a common solution that will work for me. I recently had my computer re-imaged and am now in the process of redownloading a solution from TFS. One of the solution folders contains 2 folders that list "Not downloaded" in the "Latest" column of the Source Control Explorer. When trying to open the solution, I get the error "The project file could not be loaded. Could not find file x". I've tried the methods listed below, to no avail:

  1. Get Specific Version, checking Overwrite options
  2. Deleting, .suo file, restarting VS2010
  3. tf get /force
  4. Remove mapping, deleting local files, remapping entire TFS project to local folder
  5. tfpt rollback /changeset where the last changeset for the .csproj listed a branch and a merge as pending changes by me
  6. File -> Source Control -> Open from Source Control, Navigate to TFS project, try to open .csproj in undownloaded folder, receive error "The selected file cannot be opened. The project file has been moved, renamed or is not on your computer."

I may be missing other things I've tried, I'll be sure to update this list if I can think of anything.

Besides those listed above, is there any other way to get those 2 folders and their content from TFS?

Best Answer

Try browsing via visual studio command line to the directory and do a:

tf get . /force /recursive

This should forcibly recurse down from the current directory.