How to get csv files using wget


I want to download some csv files from a webpage using wget. (This is the webpage However using wget I only get some cgi-bin files and other format files which I suppose could build an csv file. Given that I have no knowledge at all on javascript or whatever is required to build the csv files, is there a way I could get those excel files using wget directly?

This is the log file after running wget
=> `'
Connecting to[]:80… connected.
HTTP request sent, awaiting response… 200 OK
Length: unspecified [text/html]

0K .......... .......... .......... .......... ..........   28.17 KB/s

50K ………. ………. ………. ………. ………. 226.24 KB/s
100K . 1.44 MB/s

Last-modified header missing — time-stamps turned off.
10:30:09 (50.81 KB/s) – `' saved [103911]

Removing since it should be rejected.

FINISHED –10:30:09–
Downloaded: 103,911 bytes in 1 files
Converted 0 files in 0.00 seconds.

Best Answer

You need to provide wget the full url that generates the file you want, for example:

wget -O test.csv ""

I tested the above and I get the exact same csv file as I do when I click the link on the site. The link runs some javascript which generates the URL used above. To get that URL I clicked on the link, and then copied the address that appeared in the address bar.