How to get Microsoft Access 2007 32bit to show 64bit ODBC Drivers on Windows 7 64bit

64-bitms-access-2007odbcwindows 7

I followed the advice here:

but it does not apply.

I have Oracle drivers that are 64bit. If I click the ODBC mmc in my admin tools I can see the DSN. In my properties of the ODBC administrator, it appears to be pointing to the 64bit version of the ODBC administrator, which is good:


If I use this version of the ODBC administrator, I can see the Oracle drivers and my DSN via the mmc. When I go to Microsoft Access 2007 (32bit), however, and click external data, ODBC, my 32bit ODBC administrator is opening, which does not have the driver.

Can Access 2007 32bit use a 64bit driver to connect to a database (oracle in this case)? The driver works fine in all other applications, just not Access. How can I get Access to use the 64bit ODBC administrator?


For clarification, the problem is that Access is opening the 32bit version, the syswow64 version. I need it to open the native 64bit version, which it is not opening. The problem is that Microsoft Access keeps opening the 32bit version. I need it to open the 64bit version. The MMC of the ODBC administrator is pointing to the 64bit version, but Microsoft Access keeps opening the 32bit version. I need it to open the 64bit version. Thanks for help.

Best Answer

Win7 has TWO odbcad32.exe executables. The one in system32, is, of all moronic things, actually the 64bit interface.

For real 32bit ODBC setups, you need to use the c:\windows\syswow64\odbcad32.exe

You can throw a tomato at Bill Gates next time you see him, and thank him on behalf of the entire planetary population for such a moronic design decision. He may not be in charge of M$ anymore, but it's still his fault... everything Windows is his fault.

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