How to implement the standard Windows Phone 7 ComboBox replacement UI


I'm trying to implement what seems to be the standard UI replacement for comboboxes in Windows Phone 7. This is the TextBox + Navigate to New Page with Listbox approach you can see in the settings page of the Emulator.

I got the following issues while trying to implement this approach, speficically related to the TextBox:

  1. If I use a ReadOnly TextBox the text appears in light gray, which is not really what I want. I want the normal black font there.
  2. If I don't use a ReadOnly TextBox the virtual phone keyboard will appear in some rare situtations, even when I handled the MouseEnter event. I can't consistently reproduce the situations when the keyboard appears.

Which is the best approach to implement this behaviour?

Best Answer

The Windows Phone Toolkit has a ListPicker that is quite flexible and easy to use.

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