How to make Single Installer for the Different version of Office Addin


Any one knows how can I make an Installer Common for the both office 2003 / 2007 plugin.
Installer should automatically select the appropriate Office Version (2003/2007), depends on which Office is installed.

I'm using VS2008, Extensibility – Shared Addin, for my Office Plugin. I have 2 Projects for 2003 and 2007, I want to make a Common Installer for both.

is anybody has done similar thing prior ?

I need a deployment (msi) package such that user doesn't need to choose which version he needs to use.

Best Answer

Ive used this bat file command in the past to install the correct PIAs perhaps you can find it useful, if there is "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\office\12.0\Excel" means that Office 2007 Excel is installed ect...

@Echo off
reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\office\12.0\Excel" || GOTO INSTALL11
REM ***************  INSTALLING OFFICE 12 PIA *****************************
%programfiles%\{InstallFolder}\O2007PIA.msi /passive

reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\office\11.0\Excel" || GOTO INSTALLNOTHING
REM ***************  INSTALLING OFFICE 11 PIA *****************************
%programfiles%\{InstallFolder}\O2003PIA.msi /passive
REM ... Clean up left out for brevity

perhaps you could write a msi script that does the same.

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