How to manually equalize columns in an IEEE paper if using BibTex


IEEE conference publications in two-column format require authors to manually equalize the lengths of the columns on the last page of the final submission. I have typically done this by inserting a \newpage where necessary — which usually ends up being somewhere amidst my (manually entered) references.

However, I have recently begun using BibTeX to manage references, and have now run into a problem: my last page contains only a few (generated) references, and I can't figure out how to manually equalize the columns.

The last page is the tail end of what is generated by:


Any ideas on how I can equalize the columns while continuing to use BibTeX?

Best Answer

I have submitted to both ACM and IEEE conferences and the easiest thing for me has been using:


I've heard it doesn't always work well, but it's been great for me