How to open the lightbulb via shortcut

keyboard shortcutsvisual-studio-codevscode-settings

Some languages support code actions which display a lightbulb providing quick fixes for a warning/error (See for more information).
I like this feature but I don't like to click on the lightbulb. Unfortunately I can't find a shortcut for opening the lightbulb at the current cursor position.
How can I create such a shortcut?

I tried to create a shortcut for vscode.executeCodeActionProvider by creating a custom keybinding like this:

[{ "key": "alt+enter", "command": "vscode.executeCodeActionProvider"}]

But everytime I hit the shortcut I receive the warning

Running the contributed command:'vscode.executeCodeActionProvider' failed.

Best Answer

The correct command editor.action.quickFix. The default binding on Windows looks like this:

{ "key": "ctrl+.", "command": "editor.action.quickFix",
                   "when": "editorTextFocus" }

On Mac it's CMD + ..