How to prevent Backbone.Marionette from rendering a view if it’s model hasn’t been fetched


In my backbone.Marionette application I have a Model that requires an Id attribute to construct it's url. I therefore create the model by passing it an Id, add it to a view and then fetch the model:

   model = new Model({_id:id})               
   view = new View({model:model})                                                                             

I would expect the view to only start rendering once the model has been fetched, but Marionette renders the model immediately causing my template rendering to fail as the expected attributes don't exist. Any workarounds?

I'm trying to do something similar to the accepted answer here:
Binding a Backbone Model to a Marionette ItemView – blocking .fetch()?

But while that works with backbone, as stated in the answer, Marionette automatically renders the view.

Also see:
Backbone Marionette Displaying before fetch complete

Best Answer

Both answers above work.
Here's yet another way which I prefer to use (feels more backboney).

Bind the view directly to the model
When the model is done being fetched, the function you specify will run. This can be done with models or collections.

var Model = Backbone.Model.extend({});
var model = new Model();

var View = Marionette.ItemView.extend({
    initialize: function(){
        this.model.bind("sync", this.render, this);// this.render can be replaced
    }                                              // with your own function
});                        View);                                           

This also enables you to fetch whenever you want.

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