How to read values from ‘WPF’ project App.config file from within class library


I have a WpfApplication project (Visual Studio 2008) with an app.config generated from entering 'Name' and 'Value' pairs in the Settings.settings file (and therefore generating 'applicationSettings' elements rather than 'appSettings' elements).

I have added a class1 class library project in the same Visual Studio solution.

** I have added the WpfApplication app.config file to the class1 project using "add existing item and then add as link".** since found out this is unneccassary (i.e. string a = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("key1"); below works without this)

I want to read the values within app.config from class1 and have explored the following:

string s1 = Settings.Default.appsetting1; 

But I do not want to reference the WpfApplication10 project from Class 1 project and so cannot get a reference to the Settings class. So this syntax only works within the WPF project.

string a = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings.Get("key1").ToString(); 

This does work, but only if I add the following to app.config:

   <add key="key1" value="1"/>

Are there other ways to achieve what I want which may be better (e.g. offering type safety or being able to read the Settings class properties?

Best Answer

You can do the following thing: if you need to get value from key="key1" just write this(supposing your app.config is in the correct directory).

string str=System.Configuration.ConfigurationSettings.AppSettings["key1"];
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