How to resolve CVT1100 in Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate

resourcesvisual studio 2010

I'm working on a medium-sized project which uses qmake to generate Visual Studio 2005 project files. I'm trying to get it built under Visual Studio 2010 Ultimate. Since qmake doesn't support this IDE yet i had the provided conversion assistant convert my solution.

When trying to build I get the following error in one of the subprojects:

CVTRES : fatal error CVT1100: duplicate resource. type:VERSION,name:1,language:0x0407

After what Google's results told me it seems that this error is likely to occur when migrating to a newer version of Visual Studio but I don't know why and the hacks recommended there don't work for me.

What I already tried is to rename the ressources to random numbers, even a different "name" at every occurence of the version information.
When I build the project again after reading the error and deleting the corresponding .RC-file it works once. But that's too much of a hack.

Any ideas anyone?
Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

I resolved that problem when moving from VC++ 2010 to 2012 by changing the setting under Configuration Properties>Manifest Tool>Input and Output>Embed Manifest to NO. I have no idea what that is all about, but I looked at the contents of the .manifest file, and it sure looks like I can live without it being embedded.