How to schedule a job in pl/sql


I have created one stored procedure with name


How to make this procedure to run everyday at 10AM?

Please help with block of code.

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

you can create a scheduler job:

    dbms_scheduler.create_job(job_name        => 'TRAFFIC_DETAILS_JOB',
                              job_type        => 'STORED_PROCEDURE',
                              job_action      => 'traffic_details_temp_send_mail',
                              start_date      => systimestamp,
                              end_date        => null,
                              repeat_interval => 'freq=daily; byhour=10; byminute=0; bysecond=0;',
                              enabled         => true,
                              auto_drop       => false,
                              comments        => 'your description here.');

then you can see the details in the scheduler job views (user_scheduler_jobs etc). see here for information on scehduler jobs.

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