How to select a whole column in visual block mode


Say that I have this simple text in (g)Vim:

a  b  c
a  b  c
a  b  c
a  b  c
a  b  c

after changing to visual block selection mode how can I can select the whole 3rd column? Ctrl+V G selects whole text. I am looking for a keyboard shortcut for selecting a whole column selection, if any exist.


Best Answer

CTRL-V enters block selection mode (allowing you to select rectangular blocks of text). In gvim this conflicts with Windows' paste shortcut, so you can use CTRL-Q instead.

Unfortunately, CTRL-Q [G] doesn't do what you'd like since the [G] motion moves linearly through the file, so you still need to rely on a using a counted [j] motion. You can avoid having to know exactly how big the file is by using an obscenely large count, like 9999. So the full command is CTRL-Q [9999j].

Alas I don't know of way that will avoid the ugly count hack offhand.

EDIT: Oh, I read your question too fast and missed that you already mentioned that you new about the visual block mode. I guess this is a pretty useless answer, then, sorry!