How to send SMS by GSM modem in PDU mode


I want to send SMSs in PDU mode. I have checked the spec for my modem, and it supports PDU mode.

I have developed a PDU encoder and decoder, but now I do not know how to send data to my modem. I tried these AT commands:



after sending these commands I sent the PDU data like this:


I have checked the correctness of this PDU using this online tool :

but after sending it via the AT command, the modem hangs.

Is this the right way to send SMS PDUs?
I searched on Google and can not find useful information.

Best Answer

First of all, to send sms when modem is in pdu mode, you must send these commands: AT+CMGS=<length> <CR>, where length is (length of PDU binary string - 2) / 2. When '>' symbol appears you must send your pdu and ctrl+z character (char.ConvertFromUtf32(26)).

Here are some resources that may be useful: SMS Tutorial another online pdu decoder (but your link is better in my opinion) AT commands guide (for wavecom, but there is no difference)

Last advice - use any telnet client to connect and test your modem and see how it responds

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