How to set up URL Rewrite on IIS7 so that multiple subdomains redirect to the correct web site


I asked a previous question about how to have multiple subdomains all pointing at the same site; the answer I accepted there was to use URL Rewrite.

Cool. But for the life of me I cannot figure out how URL Rewrite works, and I consider myself a relatively smart guy. |-) Lots of questions…

  • Each customer (and there will be hundreds, if not thousands) gets their own subdomain e.g., etc. The regex would be (.+)\.mydomain\.com, and all of these URLs should be redirected to a website on IIS that I've named All the examples I've found on URL Rewrite are about referencing documents, e.g. changes to, which I'm not really interested in. Here's a clue: as you can see in the picture below, the "Input" column always says "URL path after '/'" – but there doesn't appear to be any way to change that.

URL Rewrite pic

  • I am assuming that the rewrite rule should be put on the default web site, but I want the rule to redirect to the web site. How do you force the redirect to a specific web site, in such a way that I will still be able to see the subdomain name (which determines the customer site I'm logging into)?

Best Answer

I think what you want to do to get this to work is add an input condition to your rewrite rule. You can read about it in the "Referencing a rewrite map from rewrite rule" section at

Here's an example I think will work for you:

<rule name="My Rule">
    <match url="(.+)?" negate="false" />
    <action type="Redirect" url="http://{C:1}{R:0}" />
    <add input="{HTTP_HOST}" pattern="(.+)\.mydomain\.com" />
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