How to Setup TFS(Team Foundation Server) and Visual Studio 2017


Firstly,I was used TFS(Team Foundation Server) and Visual Studio 2015 in my previous project.In this project,My leader setup the TFS and I just used it and it is very nice to use.

Now i am developing new project with Visual Studio 2017 and I want to use TFS.I was googled but not clear for me.So Please Let me known,where can i see clear step by step setup guide of TFS with Visual Studio 2017.

Best Answer

Visual Studio includes all the client pieces for TFS in the default install.

So all you need to do is go to the Team menu to connect to the TFS server. The URL will depend on the configuration of the server: get this from the Admin. (For VSTS it will be

There is a new user's guide which should help with the details.