How to specify IIS Web Application Name in Parameters.xml used with MSDeploy


I have found out how to set the application pool and default value

<parameter name="applicationPool" defaultValue="MyDefaultValue" >
  <parameterEntry kind="DeploymentObjectAttribute" scope="application"
                  match="application/@applicationPool" />

Does anyone know how to set the "IIS Web Application Name"? It gets generated in the SetParameters.xml file as

<setParameter name="IIS Web Application Name" value="Default Web Site/MySite_deploy" />

I can overwrite the SetParameters.xml file, but I would rather set it up in the Parameters.xml file, but I can't find the parameterEntry type.


Best Answer

You should be able to override the default value stored in the package by defining a DeployIisAppPath property when you generate the package

Alternatively, you can declare DisableAllVSGeneratedMSDeployParameter=true and Visual Studio will no longer automatically generate any parameters for you, you'll have to declare them all yourself.

If you're declaring the web site parameter yourself, the kind will be ProviderPath. The scope will either be iisApp or contentPath depending on what provider is being used. Tear open a package and look in the archive.xml file, the value will be an immediate child of the root manifest element.

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