How to stretch text field on multiple pages in Jasper Reports


I have a jasper report with multiple text fields inside a detail band. Each text field has the properties:

  • Position: Float
  • Stretch Type: Relative to tallest object
  • Print When Detail Overflows: False
  • Stretch With Overflow: True

The details band has the property:

  • SplitType: Stretch

Current Result:
When one of the text fields is taller than the page and extends to a next page, all other text fields stretch to the end of the page.

I want all text fields to be able to stretch on the next page as well. If I use the property 'Print When Detail Overflows: True' then this causes the text fields to be 'reprinted' with data duplicated. That is not my intention. I want to be able to stretch the text field to more than one page.

Thank you!

Best Answer

I also have same problem and after playing whole day did not figure out anything :-(. My workaround was to set whole band to "Prevent" split type. It is not solution. Only trying to not have text fields 'reprinted' with data duplicated.