How to unregister the assembly registered using regasm


I registered one of my dlls on the development machine using regasm as below (ASP application)

In a cmd prompt, I navigated to
C:\WINDOWS\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727 and did:

regasm /tlb "xxx.dll"

Now I made some changes in the dll. So I unregistered the dll using the command:

regasm /u xxx.dll /tlb:xxx.tlb

Then I registered the updated dll again with previous command. But the changes are not coming up in the project, so I doubt it's still pointing to the old dll. I restarted the machine, but that did not help.

  1. What are the ways to make sure my old dll is removed and the current one is new?
  2. Is there any physical path to check them manually?

UPDATE: The below solution fixed the issue.

To Register:

SET WorkFolder= '<directory>'
regasm.exe %WorkFolder%\xxx.dll /Codebase

To unregister.

SET WorkFolder= '<directory>'
regasm.exe /unregister %WorkFolder%\xxx.dll

Best Answer


regasm /u "[full path to your DLL in double quotes]"

To re-register use

regasm /codebase "[full path to your DLL in double quotes]"

ignore the warning.

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