How to use outlined material icon


Scenario :

  • I'm using material icons, and I face a problem,
    I usually use filled ones and everything is ok,
    right now I want to use a outlined one, they have the same name, "screen_share"

Tried Case :

My try was include in index.html:

type="text/css" href="" 

<link type="text/css" 

and in myComponent.html

<button mat-button>

but it still shows the filled one.

How can I do it?

this is not the same than the suggested duplicate, because the solution presented is the option I try and didn't work

Best Answer

Looks like the outlined fonts have not been finalized yet per issue #773

I see you are reviewing this issue

How to use the new Material Design Icon themes: Outlined, Rounded, Two-Tone and Sharp?

Until the outlined versions are completely included you will need to use the workaround provided in that stackoverflow question... I verified it in stackblitz and it does work.

Add following import to index.html

<link rel="stylesheet" href="">

Add the following to style.css

.material-icons-new {
    display: inline-block;
    width: 24px;
    height: 24px;
    background-repeat: no-repeat;
    background-size: contain;

.icon-white {
    webkit-filter: contrast(4) invert(1);
    -moz-filter: contrast(4) invert(1);
    -o-filter: contrast(4) invert(1);
    -ms-filter: contrast(4) invert(1);
    filter: contrast(4) invert(1);

Use the following in your component html.

<i class="material-icons-new outline-screen_share"></i>
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