How to use Request.Unvalidated with ASP.NET MVC 4

According to this link, now we can use Request.Unvalidated to access a raw value of a form field wihout triggering request validation (and see dreadful error message A potentially dangerous Request.Form…). Unfortunately I could not get it work.


<httpRuntime targetFramework="4.5" requestValidationMode="4.5" />

A simple field in view model:

// [AllowHtml] - even I tried this, it still did not work :(
public string Description { get; set; }

And controller action:

public ActionResult Edit([Bind(Prefix = "Edit")] EditModel model)
  string s = Request.Unvalidated.Form["Edit.Description"];

I still see error "A potentially dangerous Request.Form…", why? Tried google but there was no example with ASP.NET MVC.

Toolbox: I'm working with a ASP.NET MVC 4 project, targetting .NET 4.5, and VS2012.


UPDATE: Using AllowHtml with Description property fixed my problem, even don't need Request.Unvalidated. There is still an issue as I commented below in @webdeveloper's answer.

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