How to use ViewBag as list in MVC3

i need to use ViewBag as list inside another ViewBag and i am not understanding how should i do that.
here is my code:

 List<string> srclist = new List<string>();
            foreach(var item in candidateportfolio)
                if(item.PortfolioID!=0 && item.ChandidateID!=0)
                    string filepath = Server.MapPath("~/ePortfolio/PortFolioContent/" + HobbyDetailID + "/Assignments/Exhb_" + item.PortfolioID + "_" + item.ChandidateID + ".jpg");
                    if (System.IO.File.Exists(filepath))
            ViewBag.Thumbnail = srclist;

candidateportfolio is an object of the class CandidatePortfolio.

I fetch the data in the class and check whether its fields are not empty.Then i add the filepath to the list and assign list to Viewbag

Then in View i use it like this:

 @foreach (var item in ViewBag.Thumbnail as List<string>)
<img src="@item" title="Learner:@ViewBag.FirstName" width="150px" height="150px" border="5" style="align:right;margin:10px"/> 

Now the problem is i also want to fetch ViewBag.FirstName as list.and i cannot run another list in this.Please tell me how should i do this.

Best Answer

If you want a list containing both FirstName and the path to, say, a photo you can create a new class:

public class ThumbnailModel
    public string FirstName { get; set; }
    public string PhotoPath { get; set; }

Now you can add a List<Thumbnail> to the ViewBag.

But I would suggest just creating a strongly typed view with a relvant model containing a List<Thumbnail> property.