How to write the value of a variable to a dos text file


How do I write a variable value to a text file within a dos batch script?

(Y, JJJ, SERL, and SERIAL are variables in the batch file)

I tried the following:

set SERIAL=%Y%+%JJJ%+%SERL% 
%T% > VAR_2.TXT
%A% > VAR_3.TXT

The files VAR_!.txt, VAR_2.txt, VAR_3.txt, VAR_4.txt are created, but they are empty (0 bytes).

I know this has a simple solution, but it has been 20+ years since I played with batch files (VERY rusty!)


Best Answer

This method allows long filenames and also stops the trailing spaces from being included in the files (the spaces are to stop other problems, but this method is preferable).

The ( characters are a good practice to avoid another bug in echo.

>"VAR_1.TXT" echo(%SERIAL%
>"VAR_2.TXT" echo(%T%
>"VAR_3.TXT" echo(%A%
>"VAR_4.TXT" echo(%SERL%