How write this in verbatim latex


i have a little question about the verbatim environment in latex…..
my problem is how can i write "\end{verbatim}" inside of a verbatim environment, it supposed that everything inside a verbatim is written just like it looks but this is the string to end the environment, so how can i do this?

Best Answer

I think it might be impossible in a verbatim environment -- at least, that's what Lamport says in the LaTeX book (first paragraph on pg. 64). However, you can do it with the \verb command: \verb+\end{verbatim}+ works just fine (and in fact, you can use any character instead of + as long as you make them match).

That said, the listings package is smart enough to have an escape character. For example,


does exactly what you're looking for. (Again, pick a different character than + if you're already using that for something else.)