Html – Add hyperlink to textblock wpf


I have some text in a db and it is as follows:

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis
tellus nisl, venenatis et pharetra ac, tempor sed sapien. Integer
pellentesque blandit velit, in tempus urna semper sit amet. Duis
mollis, libero ut consectetur interdum, massa tellus posuere nisi, eu
aliquet elit lacus nec erat. Praesent a commodo quam. **[a
href='']some site[/a]**Suspendisse at nisi sit amet
massa molestie gravida feugiat ac sem. Phasellus ac mauris ipsum, vel
auctor odio

My question is: How can I display a Hyperlink in a TextBlock? I don't want to use a webBrowser control for this purpose.
I don't want to use this control either: also

Best Answer

Displaying is rather simple, the navigation is another question. XAML goes like this:

<TextBlock Name="TextBlockWithHyperlink">
    Some text 
        some site
    some more text

And the event handler that launches default browser to navigate to your hyperlink would be:

private void Hyperlink_RequestNavigate(object sender, RequestNavigateEventArgs e) {

Edit: To do it with the text you've got from database you'll have to parse the text somehow. Once you know the textual parts and hyperlinked parts, you can build textblock contents dynamically in the code:

TextBlockWithHyperlink.Inlines.Add("Some text ");
Hyperlink hyperLink = new Hyperlink() {
    NavigateUri = new Uri("")
hyperLink.Inlines.Add("some site");
hyperLink.RequestNavigate += Hyperlink_RequestNavigate;
TextBlockWithHyperlink.Inlines.Add(" Some more text");
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