Html – Any way to synchronize table column widths with HTML + CSS


I have a number of tables with the same columns and it would look a lot nicer if they shared the same column widths. Is such a thing possible? Putting them in the same table with some rows with no borders between them isn't an option.

Edit: Yeah I'm aware I can fix the widths myself but I was hoping for something that would tie in to the browser's column width algorithm but simply tied two or more tables together for the purpose of doing that layout.

I didn't think such a thing was possible but I thought I'd check just in case.

Best Answer

If you're not too picky about which column widths the browser comes up with, as long as they're the same across different tables, you can use the CSS table-layout property (supported by all major browsers) in combination with a table width:

table {
    table-layout: fixed;
    width: 100%;

This causes all columns (without a specified width) to have the same width, regardless of the table content.