Html – Blueprint CSS Framework/Sticky Footer with IE6 Problem


I'm currently using the Blueprint CSS framework setting my width to 910px along with the sticky footer markup by Steve Hatcher.

The problem I'm getting is that for some reason in only Internet Explorer 6 is that an extra padding/margin of 10px is being added on the right hand side of my #wrap class.

I have uploaded my test site here:

Here is a comparison of IE6 vs IE7.


As you can see there is no margin/padding on the right hand side (the red area) with IE7 but in IE6 there is an extra 10px.

Is there a way to fix this – or what the cause of the extra 10px is?

Thanks in advance.

Best Answer

From what I can get with FireBug, there is no explicitly width set to the navigation bar, what if you give it a fixed size(same as 910px)?


Sorry, given the FireBug css output, I suspect that you are using a inherited element from screen.css from line 101: margin-right:10px;

I reckon that is the cause.

Now that the navigation bar has it own css entry in the stylesheet, maybe you can reassign the margin-right element valut back to zero to resolve this problem.