Html – Chrome not showing a SVG file


I have a SVG ilustration embeded in an HTML5 file which works in all modern browsers when I try it on local, but when I try to serve them from the web I dont get Chrome to render the SVG image, it only renders the SVG source code. I already added this lines to an .htaccess file which solved the issues in Safari and Firefox:

AddType image/svg+xml svg
AddType image/svg+xml svgz
AddEncoding x-gzip .svgz

But Chrome now is the only browser that doesn't render the image when comes from the web.
My local file works fine even in Chrome.

What am I missing?

Here is the link to the sample of the issue, try it on Safari and Firefox, it will work. But in Chrome the story is different.

EDIT: Link was broken and seems to be missing www. prefix:

Best Answer

I have the same problem. Before some Chrome updates the svg I used in my site works but from certain Chrome updates those svg didn't worked and the page won't load either, just loads for 1-2s and then redirected to Aw, snap.

Finally I figure it out. You have to define "width" and "height" in Object tag eg.

<object height="100%" width="100%"data="images/image.svg" type="image/svg+xml"></object>