Html – css: body color not extending all the way down the page


I'm specifying a teal background color for the body of a page:

<body style="background-color: #0197B1">

This overrides a style sheet, and sure enough the teal appears, but not all the way down the page (both in Firefox and Chrome)

I add the following at the bottom:

 <br style="clear:both" />
  some text

to attempt to resolve things and also debug what is occurring with the inline element at the bottom. It appears (Chrome developer tool) that the body does not go all the way down the page. Hmm … why does this happen, what's the fix?

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Best Answer

Remove the height: 100%; property on the body (it's set in the CSS) and the background will fill the entire page. Also, as a friendly note, you shouldn't be using tables to design websites. It's very poor practice - what you want to do is easily achievable without tables.