Html – CSS: div expanding to window height, with margin-bottom fixed


I've been trying to do something extremely simple, yet I can't make it work!

Here's what I'm trying:

—margin top: 15 px

—VARIABLE HEIGHT DIV (imagine a box-like element)

—margin bottom: 15px

I basically want the box to resize based on the browser window height.

Here's what I've been trying:


 body {
    background-color: #D0CDC5;

 #info_box {
    background-color: rgba(40,40,40,0.5);
    border: rgba(34,34,34,0.9) 1px solid;
    width: 350px;
    height: 100%;
    margin: 15px 0px 15px 20px;

 #info_box p {
    color: red;


<div id="info_box">
<p>Sample Content</p>

By the way, why is that the text appears 15px from the top of the div? Why isn't it flush?

Thanks a lot guys,


See this link, very good answer for all browser but IE6 and 7. another HTML/CSS layout challenge
Thanks to @Hristo!

Best Answer


Check out the fiddle...

Edit, Full Screen

Check out the fiddle...

I hope this helps.